Cilantro (coriander) Nutrition facts

Cilantro (coriander)

Cilantro (leaf coriander) is one of the traditional Mediterranean herbs commonly recognized as leaf-coriander in Asia. It is widely employed in savory dishes in almost all parts of the world. It carries many important plant-derived chemical compounds that are known to have disease-preventing and health-promoting properties. Plant coriander is quite similar to dill regarding utility where both its leaves as well as seeds can be used in cuisine.
Botanically, coriander herb belongs to the family of Apiaceae, of the genus: Coriandrum. Scientific name: Coriandrum sativum.

Nutrition Principle Nutrition Value Percentage of RDA
Energy 23 Kcal 1%
Carbohydrates 3.67 g 3%
Protein 2.13 g 4%
Total Fat 0.52 g 2%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary Fiber 2.80 g 6.5%
Folates 62 µg 15.5%
Niacin 1.114 mg 7%
Pantothenic acid 0.570 mg 11%
Pyridoxine 0.149 mg 11%
Riboflavin 0.162 mg 12%
Thiamin 0.067 mg 5.5%
Vitamin A 6748 IU 225%
Vitamin C 27 mg 45%
Vitamin E 2.50 mg 17%
Vitamin K 310 mcg 258%
Sodium 46 mg 3%
Potassium 521 mg 11%
Calcium 67 mg 7%
Iron 1.77 mg 22%
Magnesium 26 mg 6.5%
Manganese 0.426 mg 18.5%
Phosphorus 48 mg 7%
Selenium 0.9 mg 2%
Zinc 0.50 mg 4.5%
Carotene-α 36 µg --
Carotene-ß 3930 µg --
Crypto-xanthin-ß 202 µg --
Lutein-zeaxanthin 865 µg --