Fava beans Nutrition facts

Fava beans

Fava beans (broad beans in the UK) are large, flat, light green pods usually eaten shelled for their delicious beans. Fava is one of the ancient cultivated crops that probably originated in the fertile valleys of Asia Minor or the Mediterranean region. Unlike in green beans, where whole immature pods can be eaten, broad beans possess thick indigestible peel that generally shelled to extract their broad, thick, and flat seeds (beans) inside.
Binomially, fava pods belong to the Fabaceae family, in the genus: Vicia. Scientific name: Vicia faba. Commonly used as vegetables, they are one of the popular bean varieties that can be grown easily in the home gardens.
Fava bean is one of the ancient cultivated cool-season vegetables. The plant is a small annual, glabrous herb with an erect stem, growing to the height of up to 6 feet. Pink-white flowers appear in clusters after about three months after seedling. Honeybees play a role as pollinators. Light green, beaded fruit pods that develop out of these flowers, hold about 6-10, flat, broad, irregularly oval-shaped beans inside.

Nutrition Principle Nutrition Value Percentage of RDA
Energy 341 Kcal 15%
Carbohydrates 58.59 g 45%
Protein 26.12 g 46.5%
Total Fat 1.53 g 7%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary Fiber 25 g 66%
Folates 423 µg 106%
Niacin 2.832 mg 18%
Pantothenic acid 0.976 mg 19.5%
Pyridoxine 0.366 mg 28%
Riboflavin 0.333 mg 25%
Thiamin 0.555 mg 46.25%
Vitamin A 53 IU 2%
Vitamin C 1.4 mg 2%
Vitamin K 9 µg 7.5%
Sodium 13 mg 1%
Potassium 1062 mg 23%
Calcium 103 mg 10%
Copper 0.824 µg 91%
Iron 6.70 mg 84%
Magnesium 192 mg 18%
Manganese 1.626 mg 71%
Phosphorus 421 mg 60%
Selenium 8.2 µg 15%
Zinc 3.14 mg 9%
Carotene-ß 32 µg --
Carotene-α 0 µg --
Lutein-zeaxanthin 0 µg --