Sage Nutrition facts


Sage herb or garden sage is one of the traditional herbs known since ancient Roman times. This sharp-flavored legendary plant has long been recognized as 'the guardian of herbs.' Apart from cooking, it is also found in various traditional European and Chinese medicines for its health-promoting and disease-preventing properties.
Herb sage is an evergreen perennial shrub commonly seen all over the Mediterranean and south-eastern Europe (Balkan) regions. Botanically, it belongs to the family of Lamiaceae, in the genus, Salvia.
Scientific name: Salvia officinalis.
Sage flourishes well under sandy, alkaline soil supplemented with adequate sunlight conditions. It grows up to 75 cm in height and features woody, branching stems.

Nutrition Principle Nutrition Value Percentage of RDA
Energy 315 Kcal 15.75%
Carbohydrates 60.73 g 47%
Protein 10.63 g 19%
Total Fat 12.75 g 42.5%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary Fiber 40.3 g 106%
Folates 274 µg 63%
Niacin 5.720 mg 35.75%
Pyridoxine 2.690 mg 206%
Riboflavin 0.336 mg 26%
Thiamin 0.754 mg 68.5%
Vitamin A 5900 mg 196%
Vitamin C 32.4 mg 54%
Vitamin E 7.48 mg 50%
Vitamin K 1714.5 µg 1429%
Sodium 11 mg <1%
Potassium 1070 mg 23%
Calcium 1652 mg 165%
Copper 0.757 mg 84%
Iron 28.12 mg 351%
Magnesium 428 mg 107%
Manganese 3.133 mg 136%
Zinc 4.70 mg 43%
Carotene-α 0 µg --
Carotene-ß 3485 µg --
Crypto-xanthin-ß 109 µg --
Lutein-zeaxanthin 1895 µg --