Salmon Nutrition facts


Salmon is the most sought-after fish, cherished for its delicious, omega-3 rich pink meat. This medium-size, oily-fish lives in the pacific waters extending from the Pacific coasts of Asia and North America and Atlantic coasts of Europe and North America.
Salmons belong to the salmonidae family of marine fish. Some of the commercial important salmons are Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), Chum Salmon (O. keta), Coho Salmon (O. kisutch), Pink (humpback) salmon (O. gorbuscha), Sockeye (O. nerka), Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar), Danube Salmon (Hucho hucho), cherry salmon (O. masou).

Nutrition Principle Nutrition Value Percentage of RDA
Energy 179 Kcal 9%
Carbohydrates 0 g 0%
Protein 19.93 g 36%
Total Fat 10.43 g 52%
Cholesterol 51 mg 17%
Dietary Fiber 0 g 0%
Folates 30 μg 7.5%
Niacin 8.420 mg 53%
Pyridoxine 0.400 mg 31%
Riboflavin 0.113 mg 19%
Thiamin 0.054 mg 4.5%
Vitamin-A 453 IU 15%
Vitamin-B12 1.3 μg 6.5%
Vitamin-C 4 mg 6.5%
Vitamin-D 526 IU 131.5%
Vitamin-E 1.22 mg 7%
Sodium 47 mg 3%
Potassium 394 mg 8%
Calcium 26 mg 2.6%
Iron 0.25 mg 3%
Magnesium 95 mg 24%
Phosphorus 289 mg 41%
Zinc 0.44 mg 4%
Omega-3 fats (PUFA)
EPA (20:5 n-3) 1.008 g --
DPA (22:5 n-3) 0.301 g --
DHA (22:6 n-3) 0.944 g --